Centre of Research Excellence in Adolescent Health
Branding, Digital Design, Website Development, Email Management, Content
The researchers of the NHMRC-funded Centre of Research Excellence in Adolescent Health have been tasked with making health services work for adolescents in the digital age. Key to the initiative is the researchers’ intention to work collaboratively with policy makers, community workers and clinicians, as well as young people.
The initial challenge for Friday was to develop branding and a digital presence that would engage four distinctly different audiences: academics, bureaucrats, advocates and teenagers. The Wellbeing Health & Youth (WH&Y) brand was launched in October 2018 and the website, why.org.au, the following year.
In 2020 and 2021, the site continued to expand to include a growing digital Community of Practice, featuring an extensive resource library and a monthly webinar series.
The Friday Collective helped us think about what we wanted from our Centre of Research Excellence in Adolescent Health, right from the beginning. They had many unique and wonderful ideas we would not have considered. We feel confident that our new virtual centre is something wonderful; we are proud of it and everyone is excited to a part of it.
Professor Rachel Skinner,
Discipline of Child and Adolescent Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney